lunedì 9 giugno 2014

friday night and saturday morning class

Last night, Friday night, I had a big night out and I skipped My bjj lesson... in the morning I woke up with an horrible headhace and a slightly nausea feeling.... But I do Not wanna miss my Saturday morning class!! So An Anti hangover breakfast to stand 2 hours training is what I need!

This is My Saturday Morning Antihangover Breakfast Recepe:
- 2 cup of strong coffee with 2 spoon of Stevia ( I really love Stevia plant,it is veeery healthy)
- Scarmbledd eggs that are incredible, edible toxin destroyers, loads of cysteine, an amino acid that can break down toxins your body hasn't.
- Greek yoghurt with banana that can shoot my potassium levels right back up to where they belong.
- Plenty of Water with Ginger that stimulates a stalled, post-drink digestive system, helping to ease constipation, gas, bloating, indigestion, and even vomiting.
Now I'm ready to tap out all my teammates!!

Scrambled Eggs Ingredients:

1 teaspoon butter
3 large eggs
1 Tablespoon milk
Salt & pepper, to taste

How to cook

1. Heat skillet over medium-low heat. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to scrambled eggs. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? The same holds true here. Don't rush your eggs and you will be rewarded.
2. Add about a teaspoon of butter to the skillet and let melt.
3. Break the eggs directly into the pan. I know this flies in the face of what most know when it comes to scrambled eggs, but trust me!
4. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Using a wooden spoon, continually stir the eggs, scraping the bottom of the pan.
6. When the eggs are almost done but still on the wet side, add the Tablespoon of milk and continue to stir the eggs just until the milk is absorbed.
7. Turn off the heat, serve the eggs and season with additional salt and pepper, if desired.