giovedì 18 settembre 2014

Graduation day- Tunnel Cerimony

I've been training Bjj for 3 and a half years and today was one of my best day ever: I became a Blue... yes a Blue Belt!!... my Master , a Brazilian Black Belt, said I'm ready for it. Well, I was very happy and I trust him so I didn't pass through the "I'm not worthy" feelings that are usually part of fresh new graduated people. Anyway my happyness lasted few minutes: I had to go through what I hate most in Bjj: the traditional "human tunnel"! This is a Brasilian creation that Normally involves everyone in the team taking off their belts, forming into two rows, then 'whipping' the newly graded students as they run in the middle of the human tunnel. In the past promotion days I was able to skip it hiding myself into the gym lockers, but this time I had no chance but getting tons of bruises. I really hate it. I cannot understand the point of this pretty stupid initiation tradition. Can't wait the day it will be decleared illegal, I'm sure it will happen soon :).

Also one of the biggest name of the bjj scene agrees with me; check it out!

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